Sunday, October 9, 2011

EDLD 5370 Week 1 Part 1.5 TF/TL Standard I Reflection

Technology Facilitator Standard I is the standard in which I spend most of my time as the technology coordinator for my district. The majority of my day is spent assisting teachers with printer, wireless device, email and whiteboard issues. I am assigned to the elementary campus 1 hour a day and to the high school campus 2 hours a day although I usually end up spending significantly more time at each place. I try to ensure that teacher computers, labs and servers are running smoothly and are updated during the fall because my position as the District TAKS/STAAR/EOC Coordinator takes most of my time after Christmas.
After reading the chapter over the standard I competencies, I can see that my job revolves around being thoroughly involved with all manners of hardware and software in the district. It is my responsibility to ensure that all computer programs that are purchased are loaded to the appropriate machines and that the users are loaded using export tools in our student management system (SMS). I am the both the technology and the security contact for the district’s SMS and assessment disaggregation software and am also responsible for getting quotes for technology infrastructure projects and for smaller projects such as purchasing laptops and iPads. I employ troubleshooting techniques for hardware, software and network issues (.
Critics have expressed that technology skills training has been overemphasized in teacher professional development while support for integrating technology into academic content areas has been neglected (Coughlin, 1999; Sandholtz & Reilly, 2004). I use my knowledge of computer operations and concepts to provide professional development opportunities for my teachers to become more proficient in technology integration, which, according to our Texas STaR Chart analyzation, is a significant need in the district.

Coughlin, E. (1999), Moving teachers along a competency continuum. Education Week Special Issue: Technology Counts 1999, 19(4), 41.
Sandholtz, J. & Reilly, B. (2004). Teachers, not technicians: rethinking technical expectations for teachers. Teachers College Record, 106, 487-512.

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